I thought with a wincustomize subscription, two copies of suites that are for sale came with the purchase. If that is correct, how are the suites obtained once the subscription has begun?

on Jan 18, 2006
Check on the left column of WinCustomize.com under "Resources" "Subscriber Resources" and the 2 Premium suites should be there. You must logon to WinCustomize first. Hope this helps you.
on Jan 18, 2006
Premium suites should be there.

Plus One Premium WB ---

and I think there would be few more shortly ..
on Jan 19, 2006
Hey thank you! I saw three suites, two of which were a tad lame as a premium suite compared to what is available for free in wincustomize daily.

The suite for Halloween seemed worthy of being called a premium suite, but hey, maybe its just me, but who wants to look at Halloween in January-September?

Dude, thats so lame... It looks like regular everyday type suites are placed there and called 'premium'. Any guesses when it will get updated with something worthwhile...?

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